Powder - Multipurpose Interior

A cellulose reinforced plaster-based filler for filling interior cracks and holes that won't shrink.

For use on: Plasterboard, brick, masonry & wood. Can be used also for modelling & sculpting (INTERIOR)
Fill depth: Dependent on mix ratio
Dries in: 2-3 hours
Ready to use: NO (mix with water)
Available in: 500g, 1kg, 2kg & 6kg
Colour: Off-white

• Surface to be filled should be clean and dry with no loose or powdery material. Roughen glossy surfaces to provide a key.
• Ensure tools and mixing vessels are clean, as dried residue filler will  accelerate drying rate.
• Add 2.5 parts Poly Interior Powder Filler to 1 part tap water and mix thoroughly into a paste with a clean knife. Once mixed, filler should be used within 1 hour. For deep cracks and holes it is advisable to use a slightly stiffer (less water) mix.
• Use a clothes peg to reseal the pack.
• Using a filling knife or applicator, press the mixed filler into the crack and smooth off. Slightly overfill and allow to dry before sanding. Use medium grade sandpaper and dust off. Wipe the dusted surface with a damp sponge.
• Leave for 2-3 hours before sanding and decorating.
• For best results prime repaired surface with paint undercoat paint or sealer prior to repainting the whole area.
• Clean up with water before filler dries

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